The Common Fans launch The Reckoning - a series of episodes focused on the post-Tom Osborne era of Nebraska football. This episode, featuring long time Nebraska reporters Mike Babcock and Brandon Vogel, focuses on the question: What if Nebraska had never fired Frank Solich?
The crew looks at:
Special guest Brandon Vogel joins the Common Fans for all of The Reckoning episodes, and the featured guest for this episode is Mike Babcock. Make sure to check out the Counter Read at for Brandon's excellent coverage of Nebraska football, college football, and other Nebraska sports.
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AgJack, co-founder of AgKnocks and co-host of the Kyle Ave podcast, joins the Common Fan crew to give the Texas A&M perspective on the...
Taylor McGregor, national college football, XFL, and Chicago Cubs reporter, joins the Common Fans. The crew and Taylor discuss a wide range of issues,...
The Common Fans discuss Nebraska’s heartbreaking loss to USC. The loss to USC perfectly sums up the last decade of Husker football. The unlucky...